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I had this conversation with Zcom and I want to share it with everyone:

amigojapan: Zcom: let me find an image and tell you a story, one moment
amigojapan: Zcom: this is an image of a legend of Amaterasu Oomikami
amigojapan: Zcom: did you see the image?
Zcom: Amaterasu Oomikami is the one who makes the sun rise???
Zcom: I see it
amigojapan: yes Zcom
amigojapan: Zcom: in this story, Amaterasu hides in a cave, and the sun does not rise
amigojapan: Zcom: that image depicts how they got her out of the cave
Zcom: wow
amigojapan: Zcom: the gods made a plan to get her out of the cave, a sumo wrestler was going to remove the stone that covered the cave, and they were going to put a mirror (mirrors at that time were made of copper) and put a goddess to dance, but she herself was going to see herself in the mirror
amigojapan: Zcom: when she saw herself she said "omoshiroi" which means "white face" but since that day it means "interesting" because she saw herself in the mirror
Zcom: it's a lesson in self-esteem
amigojapan: Zcom: do you now understand the image?
Zcom: she finally saw herself as beautiful and came out of the cave

tuve esta conversación con Zcom y quiero compartirla con todos:

amigojapan: Zcom: deja busco una imagen y te cuento un cuento, un momento
amigojapan: Zcom: esta es una imagen de una leyenda de amatarasu oomikami
amigojapan: Zcom: ya viste la imagen?
Zcom: amatarasu oomikami es la que provoca que salga el sol???
Zcom: si la veo
amigojapan: si Zcom
amigojapan: Zcom: en esta historia se esconde amatarasu en una
cueva, y el sol no sale
amigojapan: Zcom: esa imagen depicta como la sacaron de la cueva
Zcom: wow
amigojapan: Zcom: los dioses hicieron un plan para sacarla de
la cueva, un luchador de sumo iba a quitar la piedra que cubría
la cueva, y le iban a poner un espejo (los espejos en ese tiempo
eran de cobre) y pones una diosa a bailar, pero ella misma se iba
a ver en el espejo
amigojapan: Zcom: cuando se vio dijo "omoshiroi" que quiere decir
"cara blanca" pero desde ese día quiere decir "interesante"
porque se vio ella misma en el espejo
Zcom: es una lección de autoestima
amigojapan: Zcom: ya comprendes la imagen?
Zcom: ella al final se vio guapa y salió de la cueva